Photo Of The Day - 06/19/08 - The News Junkie
The News Junkie: Photo Of The Day - 06/19/08

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Photo Of The Day - 06/19/08

Midwest Flooding Continues To Worsen As Days Pass:

midwest flooding

An aerial photograph shows houses completely submerged by floodwaters from the Mississippi River in Burlington, Iowa.

Why this story isn't receiving more attention is beyond me. Look at it, folks, the photograph says it all. The flood damage is certainly nearing or on par with that of Katrina and her toll on the Gulf Coast. Yet there is no call for help, for donations, for prayers or assistance to those folks displaced by this incident. Nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This happens somewhere on the Missouri or Mississippi about every summer. 100-year flood, 500-year flood. I moved out of flood plains after 1993.
I'm not saying these people aren't in peril, I'm just saying they aren't 'victims' either. They knew the risk. There is higher ground.
Don't send money, send a sponge and a clue!