Iran President Claims U.S. Death Plot - The News Junkie
The News Junkie: Iran President Claims U.S. Death Plot

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Iran President Claims U.S. Death Plot

Iranian President Ahmadinejad Claims Assassination Plot:

iran president

TEHRAN,Iran (AP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday accused the United States of plotting to kidnap and assassinate him during a visit this year to Iraq, state media reported.

The hardline president told a meeting of clerics in the central city of Qom that Iran's "enemies" planned to kill him when he went to Baghdad in March, according to the president's Web site. Iranian leaders usually use the term "enemies" to refer to Western nations and the United States in particular.

The report on the presidential Web site did not specify the United States as the source of the plot. But state television reported that Ahmadinejad had "unveiled a shocking story"—that "Americans had intended to kidnap him during his trip to Iraq."

Ahmadinejad said the plot was never carried out because of "intentional" last-minute changes in his schedule during the visit, the Web site said. He said the conspirators learned about the changes too late, when he had departed Iraq.

I believe the word is delusional? Though one can dream...

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